This activity serves as an introduction to creative writing, which also introduces the subject of prose.
The activity is carried out in groups, and consists of writing a short story using six or seven words proposed by the teacher. An example of a proposal is: lock, rainbow, clock, turtle, fountain, movable bridge and earth. They are given a set time to write their story. After that, they will read it aloud in groups. The idea is also that, when comparing them, students realize that in all stories we find a main character, around whom the plot was developed; a space or place where the action took place; a theme on which the plot was developed; a plot that acts as a thread throughout the narration and relates the facts to time; an external time that places the main character and others in a time or situation; a narrator who tells the story, either in the first or third person; and finally a purpose or meaning. This activity, in addition to encouraging creativity, contributes to inductive learning, which starts from the complex to the simple.
An alternative for distance learning is using this random words generator: The activity is explained in this video: